Do you work with contractors?
Yes, we do. In fact, we have a number of years’ experience of working with them.
Contractors have generally worked for employers prior to setting up on their own. They may have had pension arrangements, death in service, private medical insurance and other benefits in kind as part of their overall financial package.
On setting up on your own you need to replicate these benefits but of course can choose which ones are essential and exclude others if these are not required. If you are single you may not require life assurance for example.
We can provide advice on putting in place the most appropriate retirement and risk management package as cost effectively as possible.
We can also prepare a financial plan incorporating lifetime cashflow modelling to let you see how your financial future looks. It can help inform decisions as to how much to pay into pensions, or exactly how much life assurance you require.
Running your own business can be lonely at times and trying to be an expert in all areas is not possible so why not delegate your financial affairs to real experts. This can leave you time to run your own business effectively.
We offer a no obligation initial meeting so please get in touch and we can have a chat.